
Showing posts from April, 2023

Effective Ways To Localize A Game

  When video games were introduced to the world, no one imagined that they would become a multibillion-dollar industry in no time! Currently, more than 3 billion people around the world spend a considerable amount of their leisure hours on console, PC and mobile games. Then there are a significant number of people who have made gaming their primary source of income. Hence, as an independent game developer or the owner of a game development studio, it is natural for one to take all possible steps to ensure the success of the games they have developed. One such step that yields positive results every time is  game localization services  offered by game  localization  agencies. What does a game localization agency do to effectively localize a game? Well, a revered provider of  game localization services  like BeyondWordz would implement the following ways. The first step — running an analysis of the game content The first step that the game localization experts associated with a revered L

Why do Localized Software Sell More?

  This is the age where mobile and web apps have penetrated every aspect of society. One cannot even live a single day of their life without using a mobile or web app. The outcome is that the software development sector is booming. This also means that the competition among software development studios is more cutthroat than ever, making  software localization  part and parcel of running a business in this sector. The reason is simple to understand. Software localization services   help software development studios offer their local, national, and international users a seamless and consistent user experience (UX), all while ensuring the software conforms to the nuances of the target market segment, such as its culture, religious sentiment, political scenario, and even local IT norms. Why does localized software sell more? As per the professional opinion of a quality assurance expert overseeing the software  localization services  offered by BeyondWordz, Importance Of Software Localizat

The Role of Localization Services in the E-learning Industry.

  In the last decade, the global e-learning sector has grown by leaps and bounds. The internet and the demand from people for online educational content that would help them learn new skills are two of the primary reasons for the growth of this sector. Recently, during the peak COVID-19 days and after the world found some semblance of normalcy, e-learning became the norm for everyone around the world. Why? Well, the COVID-19 pandemic compelled people to work and learn remotely from their homes in a bid to keep the pandemic from taking more lives. Currently, several market research agencies have concluded that the market share of the e-learning sector will surpass the $350 billion mark by the end of 2025. What advantages does e-learning offer to the average individual? According to the professional opinion of a linguist associated with the top providers of  localization services in India ,   e-learning institutions feed all the data they gather about their users to in-house developed ma

A Breakdown Of App Localization And Its Costs In 2023

  App Localization Services Are you having difficulty localizing your app? Do you want to dig deep into app localization and grow your business faster? Are you aware of the localization costs? If your answers to the above questions are “yes,” then keep reading the blog. As per the latest data from GSMA Intelligence, there are 5.44 billion unique mobile phone users in the world today. These users are currently growing at a rate of 3.2% per year. To reach such a large audience, businesses these days are opting for app localization services. If you have not yet localized your app, then this blog is for you. In this blog, we’ll learn about the cost of app localization, its benefits, building an effective localization strategy, and much more. So, let’s get started! App localization  is very helpful when expanding your app to new regions or markets. It helps you break the language and cultural barriers to reach your target audience. Now, you might be wondering: Will this service be pocket-he