Best Practices of Website Localization that Would Yield Positive Results.


The website or e-store of a brand is the first point of contact between it and its targeted audience segments. Hence, brands must seek help from professional website localization experts so that the brand in question can leave a lasting positive impression on its targeted audience segments. 

By following some key website localization best practices, you can ensure that your message resonates with potential new customers and that your company is set up to successfully meet its globalization goals.

What are the benefits of website localization?

By availing website localization services in Mumbai or in any other location for that matter, brands and businesses from all sectors of the economy can enjoy a plethora of benefits. Some of them are mentioned in the sections below.

  • Localized websites and e-stores lets brand to expand their reach in their existing as well as new local, national and international market segments.
  • Localized websites and e-stores are trusted more by existing and prospective customers.
  • With the help of localized websites and e-stores, brands can increase their respective customer engagement rates.

Best practices of website localization that would yield positive results

It is imperative to partner up with the best provider of professional website localization services as a reputed service provider will follow the best practices of website localization that would yield positive results for a brand.

What are those best practices?

Well, some of them are enunciated in the sections below.

Prioritizing language orientation and language length while localizing

Website localization experts associated with revered language service providers like BeyondWordz know that some international target languages like German and French (and their dialects) need more space when content written in English (or any other language for that matter) is being localized. On the other hand, content that is being localized to target languages like Chinese or Korean may need less space. 

Hence, veteran website localization agencies like BeyondWordz tread the extra mile to ensure that the localized website content does fit into the available space their client has offered in their official website or e-store.

Keeping textual localized content separated from localized images

Veteran language service providers like BeyondWordz would make sure that their website localization experts are keeping textual content separated from the localized graphical content. The reason is simple, text embedded in an image is almost difficult to localize. Hence, veteran website localization specialists would use a layer of translation + localization-compatible text in a bid to keep the localization process seamless.

Checking the localized content for missing characters

Website localization experts associated with a reputed website localization agency like BeyondWordz will ensure that the localized content is free from garbled characters such as a question mark that is systematically placed within localized words. Instances like this take place when the character set used for formulating localized copies of the source file into the target language does not support the target language. This is the reason why, veteran language service providers like BeyondWordz will use the right encoding for the target language in a bid to handle special characters that are frequently used in the same.

Choose the website localization experts from BeyondWordz

It is imperative for brands to localize their e-stores or official websites. The reason is simple. Localized e-stores and official websites open up new opportunities for brands, especially when local, national or international expansion is the objective. On top of this, localized websites and e-stores also allow brands to acquire new leads, convert those leads into permanent customers and ensure more prospective clients are engaging with the brand through its website/e-store. BeyondWordz has been offering quality-assured website localization services for decades. To discuss a project or to learn more about the website localization projects BeyondWordz has completed in recent months, contact the language service provider today.


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