A Brief Insight In to The Medical Localization Methodology And How It Enhances The Overall Healthcare Industry


In today’s era, the healthcare industry is substantially dependent on standard medical localization services because of the exchanges of knowledge (technology transfer) between different continents that we have seen over the years. And due to this, the industry took the best way possible to communicate across different dialects and languages via localization services. This is not only making the businesses aim higher for their revenue generation but overall the healthcare industries have come up with better medical standards for the patients.

Localization in terms of the medical and healthcare industry involves a lot more than just translating the source language into the desired one. In this article we will not only go through the actual methodology that professional healthcare and medical localization services follow but will also touch base on how it enhances the industry to perform better for the greater good-

Chapter 1: The steps involved with the proper Medical localization process

·         Proper consultation- Proper communication has to be done between the client (i.e. hospital, nursing home, etc) and the localization service provider on the language requirements that the client is expecting. The localization service provider will analyze and deploy a customized medical translation expert based on the requirements such as subject domains, budget, and languages that they are dealing with.

·         Project Confirmation- Once both parties agree to proceed forward and the non-disclosure agreement gets signed, the actual technicalities begin from the point of view of the localization service provider.

·         Initialization of the project- This is the stage where the language expert of the localization agency will- (a) prepare linguistic materials (termbase, style guides, glossaries, etc) (b) identify the most compatible CAT tools or localization platform (c) Deploy native translators (d) Stipulate a timeline for the project.

·        Cumulative actionable regarding editing, proofreading, and translation- An expert translator providing standard healthcare and medical document translation services will translate the respective medical documents in the desired language. Other native linguists in the team of the localization provider will proofread and edit the translated medical documents. These seem minute steps but every one of them is crucial because a silly mistake can prove fatal in the long run. Medical terminologies are complicated; hence it is a time-consuming process that needs thorough proofreading.

·         Quality assurance (QA)- Another vital step and good practice that is carried out by any standard professional healthcare and medical localization services. This is executed by proper QA tools. The linguistics in their team will vet the QA report a second time. Issues will be addressed and fixed and this step will be in the loop till each item comes with false-positive errors in the QA report.

·         Formatting- The experts of the localization agency will incorporate photo-imaging software to structure text and graphics together in the right location.

·         In-context testing- here the experts of the localization service providers who are testing will play the role of an actual user to check end structure files to ensure elimination of possible errors.

·         Final delivery and feedback incorporation- The language service providers of the localization agency will deliver the final medical translation and make suitable edits if their client has any feedback. Post that they will hand over the final version to their client.

Chapter 2: How localization is enhancing the overall healthcare industry

There are several challenges related to complicated terminologies, quality, compliance, and cultural sensitivity which any agency offering professional healthcare and medical localization services faces, but despite that, their main motivation comes from the good that localization brings to the community as well as the industry as a whole. These opportunities and benefits can be laid down as-

·         Tapping into new markets- businesses in medical devices and diagnostics are ever increasing by the day, and localization helps to tap wider markets for local players and entrepreneurs.

·         Gets one ahead of its competitors in the market

·         Boosts reputation- proper branding is what localization aims to expose in the wider market related to one’s professionalism, expertise, and quality of the respective service or product.

·         Making a social impact- At the end of the day, localization is significantly enhancing the world to a better place by helping the healthcare communities (such as hospitals, nursing centers, Anganwadi Workers AWWs, etc) via technology transfer and better subjective communication within this domain.


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