Tips for successful video localization

One may choose from varied production methodologies when it comes to video localization processes
like- open and closed captioning, subtitling and transcription, dubbing and voiceover, among others.
When carried out successfully,

video localization enables one to expand their reach and technically
boost sales.
It is tempting to dive into video localization because it comes with lots of action, but before one takes a
drastic step, here are some pro tips to set themselves up for success-
 Chalk out the target audience
For any kind of multimedia localization strategy, the first thing to figure out is to chalk out who
are the target audience. The best video localization services always ask their clients to follow
the target audiences in terms of what are their expectations. They also guide in terms of how
visible the video should be how one’s amount should be allocated to a particular video and what
is the exact time to go live.
Questions like who is consuming the media, when, where, and how are also important. Figuring
out the subject of the video also falls under the key criteria to meet mass consumers (target
audience) because if the particular content is not well according to their interest, then the video
wouldn’t get views or likes. So, one has to curate their videos in that specific subject and in a
particular language/s to grab a hold of the target audiences who would be interested in
consuming those by giving their valuable time.
 Choosing appropriate software for video curation and localization
Any standard video localization agency would go for the best software designed to assist in the
creation and localizing of video content. But in addition to factoring in the most sought-after
multimedia features, one has to answer the following questions as per the offerings of the
(a) Do the software tools support automation for repeated tasks?
(b) Does the software offer functions to export and import translatable content?
(c) Can the software support the left-right languages?
(d) Does the software handle fonts suitable for multiple languages?
It is always advisable by standard video localization services to evaluate the software options
before investing deep into it. But, since it’s not an easy job, they assist organizations in choosing
the right one.
 Centralize editable content that one plans to localize
Software integrations have never been an easy task to do. Nowadays it is possible to utilize
software that can refer assets from varied file types and locations. However, it is not advisable
for a good video localization agency to integrate software as it is not the best approach.
The expert agencies know that despite the benefits of synchronizing multiple file types, it is
easier and cheaper to process a single file. Minimal file types mean fewer filters to develop,

fewer files to check and process, and optimum man-hours required to complete the project.
With this setting and strategy, video localization services offer optimal budget to their clients.
 Structure and Planning
The path of video localization can take a toll on organizations that depend heavily on it. One can
structure a smooth process by chalking out extra time to execute tasks. A good video
localization agency assists organizations by structuring the strategy. The elements that they
focus on are-
(a) The amount of content that the organization plans to localize
(b) The content type that the target audience expects from the organization
(c) The count of the languages that the client needs.
The actual inclusion point of a standard video localization agency comes in when the
organization is busy with the critical localization methodology because it comes with unwanted
infliction point that requires hard decisions to make. It is always to be remembered that
everything here is timeline-specific hence correct decision at the expected time is very crucial.
 Consideration of alternatives and meeting expectations
Organizations must consider alternative methodologies when setting out to localize videos. This
flexibility can help the organization curb costs and turnaround times in difficult situations. For
instance, synthetic voices can fill in the gap of a voice actor when there is a shortage or
availability of them. This will reduce the manpower cost and turnaround time for the video to
get published.
It’s fine to be resourceful during the video localization process and one may find a better
solution to their localization challenges.
Because cultural and linguistic values are not exactly comparable across languages, it’s also
important to keep expectations realistic when localization is complete. Video localization has a
similar starting node irrespective of language. A standard video localization agency measures
the final value of localization quality within the locale boundaries and not against another
culture or language.


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